NANOCHEM – Flooring and insulation experts!

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As surface protection specialists, with more than 10 years of experience in the industry, we offer consulting for protective coatings starting with the assessment of the concrete surfaces to be protected, up to the most advantageous way of cleaning and preparing the surfaces and systems Optimum coatings that are recommended to be used. Additionally, we recommend the best industrial floor applicators or epoxy flooring and protection systems, as well as the best ways to maintain and clean the surfaces and protected.

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Our products are based on revolutionary technologies that meet the needs of consumers in the field of protective coatings, from epoxy systems for industrial spaces, waterproofing systems and special insulations to painting systems (polyurethane paint, epoxy paint, polyurethane foam, polyurea paint)

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With a high resistance to traffic, dust and mechanical stress, epoxy flooring is a smart choice for spaces with strict hygiene standards.

These epoxy floors are liquid paving floors and are recommended for heavy industry, electronics industry, chemical industry, covered parking, industrial halls, hospitals, laboratories, ramps, etc.

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The floors of their content in the polyurethane resin resistant to impact and scratches traffic.

They are part of the elastic-hard floor range, recommended for:

– covered parking;
– Sports grounds (indoor and outdoor);
– Athletic tracks or where the support has cracks.

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Floors that incorporate one of the most efficient polymers, which provides high wear resistance, being ideal underground parking, heavy industry, chemical industry, and anti-corrosion protection paints.

Quick drying and can be put into operation within 2 hours of application;
Floor coatings are preferred, being resistant to abrasion, mechanical shocks and chemicals;

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Sistemele pe baza de rasini epoxidice, rasini poliuretanice sau de vopsire poliurea sunt sisteme de protectii pentru pardoseli industriale si pot avea, in functie de tipul rasinii, texturi variate.

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Nanochem detine un laborator propriu specializat in analize pentru emulsii, iar specialistii nostri va stau la dispozitie cu intreaga lor experienta.

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Va oferim consultanta in stabilirea celor mai bune sisteme de acoperiri de protectie pentru metale, avand o echipa de management cu o experienta de peste 10 ani in domeniu.

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Ca specialisti in protejarea suprafetelor, cu experienta de peste 10 ani in industria de profil, va oferim consultanta in acoperiri de protectie incepand cu evaluarea suprafetelor de beton care trebuie protejate, pana la recomandarea modului cel mai avantajos de curatare si pregatire a suprafetelor

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Sistemele pe baza de rasini epoxidice, rasini poliuretanice sau de vopsire poliurea sunt sisteme de protectii pentru pardoseli industriale si pot avea, in functie de tipul rasinii, texturi variate.

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Membrana poliuretanica lichida pentru hidroizolatia suprafetelor de beton (terase, balcoane, bai, etc), cu o rezistenta foarte buna la eventuale fisuri ale suportului, precum si la variatii de temperatura.

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Va oferim consultanta in stabilirea celor mai bune sisteme de acoperiri de protectie pentru metale, avand o echipa de management cu o experienta de peste 10 ani in domeniu.

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Ca specialisti in protejarea suprafetelor, cu experienta de peste 10 ani in industria de profil, va oferim consultanta in acoperiri de protectie incepand cu evaluarea suprafetelor de beton care trebuie protejate, pana la recomandarea modului cel mai avantajos de curatare si pregatire a suprafetelor

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Amorse Epoxidice

Amorsa RESINA 530 – Se utilizeaza ca amorsa pentru suprafete de beton elicopterizat sau beton poros, pentru sape de ciment, gresie, mosaic

Epox Cement Tixo – Amorsa epoxidica pentru suprafate umede sau acolo unde se cere rezistena la presiune negatica

Vopsitorii Epoxidice

ITALPOX 70 – Vopsea epoxidica bicomponenta ecolocica cu un continut mare de solide.  Se utilizeaza ca strat final atat pentru pardoseli cat si pentru pereti.

NANOPOXY GLOSS – Vopsea epoxidica bicomponenta pe baza de solvent . Produs economic recomandat atat pentru protectia pardoselilor  cat si pentru  pereti

Pardoseli Epoxidice Autonivelante / Antiderapante

EPOX PAV SL 30/2N – Rasina epoxidica autonivelanta pentru trafic usor –pietonal – trafic industrial. Pentru varianta antiderapanta se adauga quart in stratul de amorsa 3-5 kg/mp

EPOX PAV SL 20/2 N – Rasina epoxidica fluida autonivelanta cu uscare rapida . Varianta iarna –vara

EPOCOAT 1400 – Rasina epoxidica autonivelanta cu un “leveling” excelent

Pardoseli Poliuretanice

POLIFLOOR PU 30 – Rasina poliuretanica bicomponenta dur-elastica destinata protectiei pardoselilor exploatate in conditii de trafic greu ( stivuitoare, lize) dar si rezistenta la fisuri dinamice.

 POLIFLOOR SA 90 – Rasina poliuretanica dura pentru trafic greu , pardoseli interior exterior

POLYDUR 90 – Strat final poliuretanic rezistent la razele UV si la conditii de exterior

ITALPAINT W 40/W 47 – Lac poliuretanic ecologic pe baza de apa rezistent la ingalbenire mat sau lucios

Pardoseli / Hidroizolatii Poliurea

ELASTOPRAPID VK 260 – Poliurea pura elastic – dura utilizata atat pentru pardoseli cat si pentru hidroizolatii tersase, piscine, rezervoare de apa industrial .

ELASTORAPID VK 261 –poliurea pura intumescenta cu clasa de foc Euroclass Cfl-s1

ELASTOPIANT 300 – Membrane poliuretanica monocomponenta pentru hidroizolatii acoperisuri si tersae .Aplicata in sistem cu plasa de geotextile formeaza o memebrana superelastica

ELASTOPIANT VK 260- ES – Poliurea hybrid – pentru hidroizolatii terase, acoperisuri, rezervoare, piscine.

Pardoseli Poliuretanice Industria Alimentara

POLICONCRETE SL /MD/HF – Pardoseli poliuretanice 3 componenti ce se aplica in grosimi de 4-5-9 mm destinate industriei alimentare . Au rezistenta mare la trafic la temperaturi crescute si garantii de peste 5 ani .

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+40 728 182 875

Consulta un specialist in pardoseli epoxidice sau izolatii